Process management
Process management addon allows to add extra capabilities on top of the domain specific service (the one that is build from workflow definition).
Process management comes with two parts
REST api
Basic UI to visualize current state of the service
To enable process management addon add following dependency to your service
This will include both the REST api and UI
REST api
REST api of the process management addon provides following capabilities
List of available workflows (definitions)
List of available workflow instances of the given workflow
Workflow instance details
Error of given workflow instance
List of active nodes in given workflow instance
Retrigger given workflow instance that is in error state
Skip node that caused error in given workflow instance and continue with next node
Trigger given node in given workflow instance
Retrigger active node in given workflow instance
Cancels active node in given workflow instance
Cancel entire workflow instance
REST api of process management addon is not included in the OpenAPI
definition of the service by default. This is to avoid exposing non domain
specific endpoints in the service. It can be enabled by setting
quarkus.automatiko.include-automatiko-api property to true in
User interface
Currently UI of process management is read only but over time it will be enhanced with majority of the REST api operations |
Process management comes with very basic UI to help visualize the state of the service. It can be accessed via http://localhost:8080/management/processes/ui
This will show entry point that displays available workflow definitions in the service

For each of the listed wokflows you can list active instances by clicking on
the Instances
button. This will expand a table with all active instances
of that workflow.

Further you can look at instance details that will include
workflow instance visualization with active nodes and retrying nodes annotated
list subworkflow instances if any
display complete data model of given workflow instance