Document processor

Document processor example illustrates batch processing use case that processes documents as either individual files or archives as soon as they are dropped into the inbox folder.

examples batch

Note that this example is currently not equipped with user facing UI

This example watches a folder (an inbox) for files to be processed, it supports:

  • text files - those with extension .txt

  • archive files - those with extension .zip

Archive files are expected to contain .txt files only.

Depending which file type is dropped into directory different workflow will be triggered.

Text files are also classified and based on classification different paths are invoked:

  • greetings (text files that starts with hello)

  • reports (text files with length more than 100)

  • confidential (text files that have the file name password.txt)

  • unclassified (all other text files)

Zip file can contain any classification types.

Run it

To run the example as container there is a need to mount a local folder as volume to be able to easily drop files for processing. To do so, replace LOCAL_DIRECTORY with an absolute folder path of your local file system.

docker run -e DOCUMENTS_FOLDER=/automatiko/documents -v LOCAL_DIRECTORY:/automatiko/documents -p 8080:8080 automatiko/document-processor

once this is done you can see the fully described service at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/#/

You can open your browser http://localhost:8080/management/processes/ui to visualize your running service

There are multiple paths that can be taken during given order

Process individual text files document processor txt

Process archives and delegates to individual file processing for every item found in the archive document processor zip

The happy path

Happy path consists of steps that will lead to successful processing single text file.

Try it

Follow steps in the Details section to see the happy path in action.

Create a text file named say-hello.txt (it can actually be named anything just need to have .txt extension)

The content of the file should contain word hello and it can contain any other text.

Keep it short (less than 100 characters) as if this exceed 100 it will be considered as report.

Copy this file into LOCAL_DIRECTORY folder that was mapped to the container.

Observe both LOCAL_DIRECTORY and container logs to see that file was processed.

The happy archive path

Happy path consists of steps that will lead to successful processing all text files found in the archive (zip).

Try it

Follow steps in the Details section to see the happy archive path in action.

Create a text file named say-hello.txt (it can actually be named anything just need to have .txt extension)

The content of the file should contain word hello and it can contain any other text.

Keep it short (less than 100 characters) as if this exceed 100 it will be considered as report.

Create another .txt let’s say say-another-hello.txt with again content that has hello word.

Zip both files into and copy this file into LOCAL_DIRECTORY folder that was mapped to the container.

Observe both LOCAL_DIRECTORY and container logs to see that archive file was processed and each file of the archive as well.

The report path

Happy path consists of steps that will lead to successful processing of a report file and approval of it’s content.

Try it

Follow steps in the Details section to see the happy path in action.

Create a text file named report.txt (it can actually be named anything just need to have .txt extension)

The content of the file can be anything and it must be longer than 100 characters.

complete curl command for this request is as follows

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/text" -H  "accept: application/json"

Note the id attribute of the instance, will be used in the next calls.

complete curl command for this request is as follows

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/text/ID/tasks" -H  "accept: application/json"
Make note of the id returned from the above request as it will be used to complete the approval task
  "approved": true

This completes the instance with approved report.

Source code

Complete source code of this example can be found in GitHub